Friday, November 28, 2008

Common Mistakes Cheaters Make In Their Relationships

If your worried your wife is cheating and you want to know how to catch your wife cheating, this article may be a big help.

Common Mistakes Cheaters Make In Their Relationships by J. Foley

Do you suspect that your spouse or your romantic partner is cheating on you? If you do, you may be looking for ways to catch him or her in action. Fortunately for you, this may be easier to do than you originally thought. Why? Because many cheaters make simple, yet costly mistakes in their relationships.

As stated above, many cheaters make mistakes. These mistakes can actually make it much easier for you to catch your cheating spouse or romantic partner. A few of the common mistakes that cheaters, both men and women, make are outlined below.

Mistake # 1 - Believing They Won't Get Caught

The biggest mistake that cheaters make is believing that they won't get caught. This often leads cheaters to become bolder, braver, as well as display reckless behavior. Yes, it is true that some men and women are able to carry on affairs for years without their spouses or romantic partners knowing, but this is actually quite rare. Due to the other mistakes that are listed below, most cheaters end up getting caught at one time or another.

Mistake # 2 - Believing Their Partner Will Forgive Them

If you are unfortunate enough to learn that your spouse or romantic partner is cheating on you, you may be surprised with their actions. Many cheaters, regardless of gender, appear shocked when their significant other is upset. This is because many cheaters expect their partners to automatically forgive them, like by writing off the cheating as a simple mistake.

Mistake # 3 - Believing They Did or Are Doing Nothing Wrong

As previously stated, many cheaters expect not to get caught and those who do get caught expect to be forgiven right away. These same individuals likely believe that they aren't doing anything wrong. The good news for you though is that men and women who assume they aren't doing anything wrong by cheating, don't always cover their tracks. This means that it should be easier for you to catch a cheating spouse or romantic partner and take the appropriate action.

Mistake # 4 - Changing Their Appearance

When men and women have affairs, they often feel revived. This often results in them wanting to take better care of themselves and improve their physical appearance. Of course, it is important to remember that there may be a good reason for your significant other to get a makeover or change their wardrobe, but it is often a sign of cheating. In fact, it is such a common and well-known sign that you have to wonder what your significant other is thinking when openly making these changes.

Mistake # 5 - Making Themselves Unavailable

When a husband, wife, boyfriend, or girlfriend suspects that their partner is cheating on them, they often try and contact their significant other whey they don't know where they are. This contact is often made by phone. One mistake that cheaters make is not picking up the phone. Yes, they are probably "busy," but cheaters who answer the phone and come up with a plausible excuse for not being home or being out of reach, are likely to get away with cheating longer.

Mistake # 6 - Talking Too Much or Flaunting Affair

In keeping with the mistake of believing that they will get away with it, many cheaters make the mistake of talking about their affair or getting braver. This may involve going out in public, as opposed to meeting in secret. What many cheaters do not realize is that people talk, even the people who they believe they can trust and those closest to them. In fact, this is how many people become aware of a cheating spouse or romantic partner; they hear the rumors that are flying.

The above mentioned mistakes are just a few of the many, but common mistakes that cheaters make. Be on the lookout for a few of these mistakes, as they may be a good sign that you significant other is cheating on you.

Article Written By J. Foley

About the Author

J. Foley Has Created a Free Report Entitled: A Cheater's Profile: Top 10 Traits To Look For. Grab Your Complimentary Copy Today!

how to catch your wife cheating

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Does a Cheating Wife Inevitably Lead to Divorce?

A great article about whether or not a cheating wife leads to divorce by Larry Bilotta

I don't know a thing about you, but I'll bet that your cheating wife is causing you more pain and stress than you'd care to admit. But let me ask you; instead of immediately making accusations and placing blame, did you ever stop and ask yourself "where did I go wrong?"

If you haven't...don't worry, most men NEVER DO. What I want you to do for a moment is shift your thoughts away from all the information out there telling you to focus on "EXPOSING your cheating wife"....and shift your thinking to the following statement...

"Women DON'T LEAVE great guys."

It's true. Why on Earth would your wife fall into the arms of another man when she has a caring, compassionate and sensitive man at home?

So again...I want you to ask yourself..."Where did I go wrong?"

I know you may be filled with anger and resentment thinking..."who does this guy think he is blaming ME for all this, it's my WIFE who has been unfaithful...NOT ME!"

I want to make it clear that I am NOT placing blame on YOU...and I am NOT placing blame on YOUR WIFE either.

I need you to put your feelings aside for a moment and think about this logically....

The only reason you're faced with a cheating wife right now is because your wife has a set of needs that you were not able to fulfill. But that's okay because SHE did not communicate them to you in the first you had no way of knowing what you were doing wrong! Have you ever noticed the language of most "infidelity experts" out there on the internet centers on one theme: "catch, prove, divorce". Their premise is simple....

Your wife's "crime" is unforgivable and her punishment will give you a sense of relief.

These "experts" make you believe that you'll feel righteous after catching your cheating wife because SHE'S the villain and YOU'RE the good guy.

But after all the "dust settles" and everything is out in the open...reality starts to set in.

Your cheating wife has left you with not one, but TWO possible roads you can take.

The first road of "exposing your cheating wife" leads to confrontation, argument and most often...divorce. If you choose to get a divorce without knowing the REAL REASON your wife cheated on you in the first place, you'd just be glossing over the problem...instead of fixing it and preventing it from happening again in the future.

And before you decide to take this road to any degree, you must first consider the REAL COST of choosing this road.

Confronting your cheating wife will most likely bring on a higher level of stress for you because you'll come to find out that there's a BIG difference between SUSPECTING your wife is cheating and actually finding SOLID PROOF that she's been unfaithful.

Finding ACTUAL evidence of an affair is NEVER easy, despite what the authors say.

But here's the big question...

Will your wife become more cooperative and interested in you if you blame and confront her (especially when she knows she's wrong), OR if you understand why she feels the way she does?

The answer is obvious.

Confronting your cheating wife will only bring on divorce and destroy the lives of your children. But the question is; can you stomach the proof?

The other road you can take is to draw your cheating wife back into your arms instead of throwing away what the two of you have invested in over the years.

You may be thinking you don't stand a chance to win over your cheating wife from the other man. She may have told you that she's "in love" with the other man because HE gives her what YOU never have.

If you want to find out how to 'divorce proof' your marriage and become the man she'll NEVER want to leave, read the FREE Special Report titled The Secret Path to Divorce.

What you'll learn will do MUCH more for you than learning how to become a great "spy".

Instead, it will help you realize that WOMEN DON'T LEAVE GREAT GUYS.

Want to get back on track with the one you love? Find out if you're already on the "Secret Path" to Divorce and learn how to stay off it forever. Get your FREE Special Report at

About the Author

Larry Bilotta, an expert on restoring broken marriages, gives struggling couples new hope by openly sharing his secret to turning his own 27 year nightmare of a marriage into something rich, fulfilling and lasting. Larry's special report, The "Secret Path" to Divorce teaches you how find out if you're already on this slippery slope and how to stay off it forever. Get your FREE Special Report at

How to catch a cheating wife

Sunday, November 09, 2008

How To Tell If Your Wife is Cheating

Catch your cheating wife, do not let her get away with cheating on you! This is an article by TJ on How To Tell If Your Wife is Cheating

Do you suspect that your wife is cheating on you? If you do, you are definitely not alone. Infidelity is actually quite common these days. You can see it all over television and almost everyone has known someone who has been cheated on, in one way or another.

If you are a husband who thinks that your wife is cheating on you, there are a number of signs that you will want to be on the lookout for. The following are four signs that could very well confirm your suspicions.

A change in appearance is the first sign your wife is cheating. If your wife has gone through a change in appearance, it could be a sign that she is cheating on you. What you will want to look for is small, but significant changes in appearance.

For example, has she always worn glasses but has all of a sudden opted for contact lenses? Has your wife recently started showing more skin? Dressing provocatively is a common sign of cheating, especially if your wife typically dresses conservatively. Switching perfumes or wearing it more often can be another sign of cheating. This can be done to impress a new man or to cover up another man's scent.

A change in the amount of affection that your wife gives you could be seen as a sign of having an affair. For example, has your love life been happy and healthy in the past? Was your relationship filled with fun, adventure, and great sex? If so, has that changed? If your wife no longer compliments you as she did before or does something as simple as pull away during a kiss, an affair may be going on. Many cheating women try to avoid close contact with their husbands in fear of getting caught or letting their guilt show.

Secrecy could be another sign your wife is cheating. A wife becoming more secretive can often point to an extramarital affair. For example, does your wife spend too much time on the phone or the internet? If so, what does she say when you ask her what she is doing? If you receive a "nothing," or a "not your business," response, something may be going on.

In keeping with phone and internet use, does your wife automatically hang-up the phone whenever you walk into a room? Does she shut off the computer or try to block your view of it? If so, your wife's secrecy may mean that she is trying to cover up an affair.

Changes in bills are also a sign your wife is cheating. One of the simplest ways to catch a cheating wife is to start paying your bills. In most relationships, this is the woman's responsibility, but makes it yours. Examine your wife's cell phone bills. Does it show what phone numbers are called or what numbers text messages and pictures are received from? Also, closely examine credit card bills. Are there expenses listed for hotel rooms, vacations, restaurants, or anything else that you have no idea about? If so, your wife may be cheating on you.

The above mentioned signs are just a few of the many that you will want to look for in a cheating wife. If you think that your wife is cheating on you, just be sure to keep your eyes and ears open. Unfortunately for the cheaters, they often make mistakes. Many women get so comfortable, that they slip up at one time or another. If you know what to look for, this is when you may be able to catch your wife cheating.

If you do catch your wife cheating on you, you may want to carefully approach the subject. Never confront your wife in front of your children. No matter how angry you are, do not get violent and try to keep your voice at a reasonable level. As hard as it can be, calming approaching the situation can better allow you and your wife to have an honest discussion. This is where you can discuss what will happen to you and your relationship next.

The Magic Of Making Up