Saturday, August 09, 2008

Signs Of A Cheating Wife

So, you want to know how to tell if your wife is cheating , well, I am about to reveal some signs of a cheating wife. You may want to know how to catch your wife cheating. The numbers may not be as high, but women cheat just like men do. So lets see if you have a cheating spouse, or is it all in your imagination!

Give your wife a hug, if she's a cheating wife, she will tend to pull away. a cheating wife will also be very moody (even more than usual!). A cheating wife will snap at you for no apparent reason, this is a classic sign of infidelity.

As far as your sex life goes, your wife will not want to make love to you anymore, forget it, she'll make excuses that you haven never heard in 20 years of marriage. Cheating men can sometimes function at home in bed even if they are cheating; women very much tend to be the opposite. A cheating wife will pull away from their husbands because they feel guilty. If your wife, all of a sudden stops touching you, or even starts sleeping in a separate bed; then this can be a classic sign that she is being unfaithful.

how to tell if your spouse is cheating

Talking on the phone more often than before, is one of the many signs of a cheating wife, when you confront her, she will spin some amazing stories. Simply pay close attention to the phone bill to see if there's an unfamiliar number appearing frequently. Lots of girly nights out, is another classic sign you have a cheating wife. Pay special attention to her everyday movements, how often she pops out for two or three hours, here and there.

A cheating spouse will change their daily habits dramatically, clothes, hair, smell, etc, if you notice a quick transformation, be very wary, because this is a classic sign of a cheating spouse.

Be absolutely 100% sure before you accuse your wife of cheating. If you accuse her of something that she may or may not be doing it could be disastrous.

Do a large amount of investigation before you approach her and ideally you want to cath her with her lover.

how to catch your wife cheating

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

how to catch your wife cheating

6 Signs of Female Infidelity:How to Know if Your Wife or Girlfriend is Cheating on You Once and For All! A great article by how to catch your cheating wife expert, Dani Taylor

Although it's true no one wants to find out their wife or girlfriend has been cheating on them and has been betraying their trust, not to mention exposing them to a possible host of sexually transmitted diseases, protecting yourself and your best interests is something to seriously think about, especially if you have that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach that never seems to go away.

Here are six classic signs of female infidelity you should be on the lookout for:

1. Apparent boredom: If the two of you once had a good rapport, enjoyed each other's company and truly liked spending time together, but now, she seems distant, preoccupied, or generally disinterested in you, take a closer look to find out why this may be. In most any relationship that electric spark that's present in the beginning will inevitably fade over time, but, change into something different and equally as pleasant, manifesting itself as a sense of comfort and stability. And, there's definitely a different between comfort and boredom.

2. Changes in appearance: Changes in appearance is a tricky one as women often change their hairstyles or try different makeup or things that will make them appear younger or make them feel attractive, but, if her nails are always done now, her hair is always just so and she's dressing now more provocatively than ever before, you should be wondering why.

3. Lack of interest in sex: There's no doubt women's sex drives differ from men's and that hormonal changes, stress, work, and dealing with the kids can all come together to create the best form of birth control ever thought of, abstinence, a lack of desire may also indicate something else is going on behind the scenes.

4. Unexplained phone calls: In general, women do tend to spend a lot of time on the phone, but if your wife leaves the room to make a call or leaps out of her skin every time the phone rings, it's probably safe to say that it's time to wake up and smell the coffee.

5. Unexplained gifts: Is your girlfriend suddenly showing up for dates wearing new, and expensive looking, jewelry that you haven't given her? What about clothing, does she always seem to have a new outfit on but you're well aware of her financial situation and she can't seem explain her newfound wealth?

6. Unexplained absences: If your wife or girlfriend is usually right on time and is where she says she'll be, then take note of any changes in this behavior that can't be attributed to circumstance. Spending more time with "the girls" than normal and going out on the weekends more often without inviting you to come along should also give you reason for concern.

While each of these signs on their own may not necessarily indicate that a female is being unfaithful, if two or more of them are occurring together, then it may definitely be time to start paying attention and getting some truthful, honest answers.

About the Author

Is your spouse cheating or do you suspect that they're involved with someone else. Don't just stand back, find out how you can successfully deal with this behavior now. Visit, the number one resource and online divorce forum for people who are dealing with marital issues and needing online divorce support from members who care and want to help.

how to catch your wife cheating